Team Data

Collaborator #5
Professor Coen Ottenheijm
VU University Medical Center University of Amsterdam
Laboratory for Physiology, Institute for Cardiovascular Research
Van der Boechorststraat 7
1081 BT, Amsterdam. NETHERLANDS

Aditional Information
Dr. Ottenheijm’s laboratory is in the Medical Research Building Medical Campus of the VU University Medical Center where he has specialized in studies on single muscle fibers mechanics as well as single cardiomyocyte mechanics that allow the simultaneous measurement of muscle fiber force, calcium handling, and sarcomere length. Furthermore, whole organ level mechanics is determined in his team by studies on isolated mouse/rat hearts (Langendorff-perfused) and by studies on whole intact skeletal muscle from mouse and rat. Within SarcoSi, Dr. Ottenheijm therefore addresses the nature of muscle weaknesses in disease contexts.